Located at 321 Osceola Street, Palatka, FL 32177
Near the Church, the Tabernacle of the living God, is the Catholic Cemetery, a holy place, the earthly home of the departed faithful, often referred to as “God’s Acre”. Here our relatives and friends are asleep awaiting the resurrection to life everlasting in union with God. Because of the reverence of the cemetery and the blessed memories it invokes, we bestow upon it the care of love and see that the graves holding the remains of our loved ones reflect an enduring remembrance for them.
St. Monica Catholic Cemetery is dedicated to carrying out the sacred religious functions of the burial and care for the resting place of our deceased.
1. Grave Sites (Plot)
A. Parishioner $2,000
B. Non-Catholic Spouse $2,000
C. Husband/Wife Purchased at
Same Time $3,500
D. Non-Parishioner Family Member $2,250
E. Multiple Family Members Purchased
At Same Time TBD
2. Ground Niche in Memory Garden
A. Parishioner or Spouse $1,500
B. Husband/Wife Purchased at
Same Time $2,500
C. Non-Parishioner Family Member $1,750
D. Multiple Family Members Purchased
At Same Time TBD
3. Disinterment Administrative Fee
A. Body $ 50
B. Cremains $ 50
4. Niche Marker $ 400
Prices Subject To Change