If your journey has brought you to these words, then the Holy Spirit has already touched you in some way. God is inviting you to live in the fullness of the Christian faith.
The word “catholic” means universal - one universal Christian church, founded in the footsteps and words of Jesus the Christ.
As Catholics we belong first to God, second to that community of believers that worship in unity around the world and have done so since the dawn of Christianity.
The community of St. Monica’s Catholic Church has done so since 1858 when Father Edmund Alubril blessed and dedicated the first structure to house our humble parish. We are family, here in Putnam County, and around the globe. We invite you to join that family.
“How?” You ask.
Formally, the process is called the RCIA or the RITE of CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS. A formal description can be found at http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/who-we-teach/rite-of-christian-initiation-of-adults/index.cfm.
More simply it is an invitation to come to table.
How does it work?
First - Come to church, experience worship here. Let us welcome you. Feel at home. If you are unfamiliar with the Catholic service, you may have questions or feel out of sync as to when to stand, sit, or kneel. That’s okay, you are exploring new territory.
Second - Speak up, say that you would like to know more. Stop by or call the office and introduce yourself. You might chat with the priest or contact the Becoming Catholic coordinator directly. We will sit together to talk about where you are in your Christian journey. Our hearts and doors are always open. Christ tells us to rest on the 7th day but HE is always there to listen.
Third - Each fall, we begin gathering weekly to share what it is to be Catholic. We answer your questions and relay our stories and our traditions. This “Inquiry” period is a bit like a new dating relationship. We are getting to know one another.
Fourth - After a few months we shift to the period of the “Catechumenate.” The relationship is deepening. You choose if you want to journey further and understand each of our seven Catholic sacraments.
Fifth - Around the beginning of Lent (usually sometime in February) each year, the focus shifts to the period of Enlightenment. If inquiry is likened to a first date, this stage would compare to an engagement. You are resoundingly saying “YES” I wish to be Catholic. We present you and your fellow seekers to the Bishop as we journey forward to Easter.
Sixth - Holy Saturday - The Easter Vigil is the most holy night of the Christian calendar. In remembrance of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, this is the night that thousands, millions even, of individuals around the world are brought into full communion with the Catholic Church. This night, the unbaptized will enter into the cleansing waters of baptism. Those already Christian by virtue of their baptism will be confirmed, sealed by the Holy Spirit, and will experience Eucharist for the very first time. It is a blessed evening, rich and powerful in transformative events.
Seventh - We continue to the time of Mystogogy in order to share a bit of time being Catholic and living the faith before we end our time together with RCIA.
Come to the table of Christ
Accept God’s Invitation
Cheryl Meis – Becoming Catholic Coordinator