The Sacrament of Confirmation, like Baptism, also imprints the Christian with the “character” as the sign of the mark of Jesus Christ, now with the seal of his Spirit to strengthen the person to be a Christian witness. By this sacrament, our common priesthood is perfected, and our bond with the Church is enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. As true witnesses of Christ, we become more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed. (CCC: #1295-1301)
Youth Confirmation
At St Monica preparation for youth confirmation is a two year program beginning in the 7th grade. We have classes every Sunday from mid-August to May after the 8:30 AM Mass in the Parish Hall.
Adult Confirmation
If you are an adult, age 18 and over who is a baptized Catholic and has received First Communion, but are not confirmed, and you are seeking to complete your initiation into the Catholic Faith with the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact us. St Monica offers Confirmation Preparation for Adults at least once a year. Schedule is determined by the Diocesan dates for adult confirmation.
Please see the documents below for more information or call the Parish office at 386-325-9777.